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Sonic Events

Thu, 22 May 2014 00:00:00 +0000
Location: Death Valley National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Zoom H2N
This recording contains a large, windy soundscape. There are many instances where the microphone was bumped by surrounded objects being blown from a gust of wind. During these gusts of wind there are rich textures from dried shrubbery, creaking twigs and dry branches. This recording also contains sporadic bird calls and chirping, however they mostly remain in the distance. The most notable sonic element to this recording is the consistent sound of the microphone moving due to the winds.
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00:01:00.444 [human] [movement] [microphone] [adjustments] [wind] [crunching] [gravel] The first minutes of the recording contain sounds of the microphone being adjusted.
Sat, 17 May 2014 20:07:00 +0000
Location: Death Valley National Park
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200
This recording is mostly bugs (i.e. crickets and cicadas) and a faint sound of water. There are occasional bird chirps and squeaks as well as what sounds like little water droplets landing near the microphone.
Sat, 17 May 2014 05:34:00 +0000
Location: Mojave Desert Preserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
This recording consists of occasional bird call, bugs buzzing near the microphone, human movement, and a near constant hum of the freeway. We hear crows and doves in the recording as well as one plane flying over head. There doesn't seem to be much breeze or any breeze at all and the human movements in the recording consists of a man's voice, crunching on the gravel, footsteps, and stones being tossed.
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00:03:36.941 [human] [movement] [footsteps] [gravel] [crunching] [male] [human] [voice] [microphone] [adjustment] Setting up microphones, discussing the scene setting.
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:23:00 +0000
Location: Beaver Creek Biosphere reserve
GPS: 0 0
Altitude: 0
Author: Garth Paine
Mic: Soundfield sps200 (ambiA); Schoeps MK4 MK8 (ms)
The most note worthy event in this file is the airplane that is flying overhead from the very start until about the 1:15 mark in the recording. During this event there are also some brief movements that can be heard. Another note worthy characteristic of the recording is how low the gain is. At the 1:58 the gain is brought back up a few decibels and the volume is about back to where it was in previous recordings.
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00:02:05.004 [adjustment] the gain is brought up a few db